Point Linux 13.04.1 overview
The purpose: Desktop PC distro
Target audience: Experienced users and business/IT sector
Based on: Debian 7 (Wheezy)
Kernel: 3.2.0-4
DE: Mate 1.4.2
Compiz: Available in repo. Not installed by default
DM: LightDM
Distro format: LiveCD/USB, LiveDVD/USB
Supported architectures: i386 (i686-pae), amd64
Distro language: English in Live Session, Localized during the HD installation.
Installer: GUI Point Linux Installer 0.15.2
Состав ПО: Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice, Pidgin, Remmina, Brasero, VLC, Transmission, non-free multimedia codecs and hardware drivers.